Sunday, 19 May 2013

Hello interwebs! We have lift off!

This blog is going to be my way of setting foot onto the long path of lonerism!
Let's go insane in the membrane.

For Starters

My name's Joe, I'm 17; and I'm DREADFULLY tired of being an optimistic alien midst the moody pantses of society, I want to climb, walk on walls, be openly spiritual and healthy (this is freakazoid territory where I'm from) and most of all, be FREE; and embark on all sorts of crazy personal endeavours that my peers or society don't see me eye to eye on.

My life up 'till now has adhered to a very jenga-esque system, where I'd limit my own actions in order to be  accommodated by the people around me, scared of knocking down their surrounding towers of expectation.

That was a necessary learning curve but I have a whole new mountain peak to climb now.

In all honesty, I don't feel like I'm really becoming a loner, my focus is just shifting to the internet.


Well, online I can quite easily find like-minded people puttering around in the dark corners, I know they'll be interested in this blog; so there's an awesomeness to that I can't, let alone want to avoid.

Yes, I do treasure the freedom of maintaining my own inner world, without the conflict that multitudes of bodies and opinions can bring, but I still want to share things of interest with you reading peoples.

I value your presence(s) greatly.

Welcome You...

I feel like a master mathematician, a manipulator of reality with a new and exciting
dosage of awe and adventure towards life; and if you want to come with me from any low point you may be experiencing, or join me in my contentment, I would love to have you tag along for the ride.

Living Happy

No, life isn't all sunshine and rainbows that's true, but the more you grow to appreciate every moment as a stepping stone towards the next, which may just be beautiful, life takes on a whole new taste.

You are in control, you don't have to sell yourself short of this by letting other peoples stuff get in your way, the quicker you rise above the matter, the quicker the rational mind can take over, and what's great about that? It's another lesson learned, relief...

I've recently come to realize that life is just a simulation of the universe, it's malleable; and because of this realization I now know that I need not rely on video games for fun any mores! But video games are here to stay, they help my cognitive functioning as well as my alertness. Everything is ripe for the picking really, except what doesn't work for YOU.

On The Way Out

So I aim to build my own world from the ground up; and I will be updating this blog regularly for your enjoyment.

I think my dopey dog Tala can be the blog mascot for now, she deserves it.